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Divinely Deliberate Co-Creations!

“Debbie- you are always exuding Joy. Your brand has this flavour of Joy because you are a walking JOY stick. I recognize that you have your struggles like any human, but you ONLY choose to bring JOY to the table, not the other stuff!”

 - Julie

“Debbie lives and leads her life, coaching enthusiasm, encouragement, intuition, insightfulness, and spiritual awareness. She embodies these attributes naturally. I believe in her work so much that I not only paid for myself to work with her, I’ve provided scholarships for other women to receive this powerful work.” 

~ Sue

You helped me change my life. You are an amazing person and I love your energy. You showed me how to feel good regardless of the circumstance which gave me the tools to create the life I want. You showed me how to get to what really matters, what creates the things I want.  I have not been the same since the first time we spoke. The things you taught me 4 years ago still play a daily role in my life. Thank you for being the spark that lit the flame within. My soul is grateful for you.~Tania

Beautiful Debbie…there is so much I love about you…Wow! I had a feeling of certainty working with you. You always could help me look at things in a more pleasing way and I would feel so uplifted after speaking with you.  Your words always soothed me...always led me to the best solution for me. I always knew you were there for me as a trusted beautiful friend and were invaluable. I cannot think of one person in coaching who I value as high as you...there is just instant trust…instant liking… you really need to be out there ...the  world needs you Debbie.

~ Norah

Thank you Debbie!! Honestly your messages gave me so much belief in myself when I needed them the most. I have fulfilled my manifestations and am living in Italy with the man of my absolute dreams and I wanted to thank you personally for your teachings as you really enabled me to believe in the power of Deliberate Creation!


Your continous nudging to FEEL GOOD has helped me tremendously when I was a bit 'off track' and your vibrant and authentic energy is indeed a gift to all who have the pleasure to PLAY with you. Thanking the universe that our paths have crossed. Bring on the FUN! 


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